버튼 클릭 시 Table의 td 값을 Clipboard에 복사 하기
[ CSS ]
.hidden { position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; transform: scale(0); }
[ HTML ]
<tr> <td class="">UserName</td> <td id="username" class="username">1234567</td> <td> <button style="display:inline" id="copy_username" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">copy</button> <input class="clipboard hidden" /> </td> </tr>
[ Javascipt ]
$("#copy_username").click(function() { var aux = document.createElement("input"); copyText = document.getElementById("username").innerHTML; // Get the text from the element passed into the input aux.setAttribute("value", copyText); // Append the aux input to the body document.body.appendChild(aux); // Highlight the content aux.select(); // Execute the copy command document.execCommand("copy"); // Remove the input from the body document.body.removeChild(aux); alert('Copy Username to Clipboard : ' + copyText ); });